You are a joy in my life. Even when you wake up in the middle of the night crying, it is a joy to snuggle with you. I love your smile, your laugh, and the way you crinkle your nose. I love how you try to imitate sounds and are trying to learn sign language but you just don't have it right yet. I love that you light up when Daddy is on the phone (in fact you kiss it, grab at it, and try to find out how Daddy is in it). I love that you get excited when you sister walks in the room. I love that you give me a huge smile whenever you see me. I love you and you are God's blessing to me.
I hope you never know the pain of losing a child but that loss has made me treasure you more. You will never meet your sister Abigail face to face this side of heaven but you have heard her voice (although it was probably a little muffled as you were tucked away in mom's womb). In fact, you used to kick mommy furiously every time Abbie was on my lap "talking" to me. It was as if you knew she was there and you were saying hi. In fact, that is how you got your middle name, Elizabeth. In the Bible, Elizabeth's baby John kicked the first time he was in the presence of Mary (who was pregnant with Jesus). One day while Abbie was snuggling with me and you were kicking me, I remembered that story and thought it would be a great middle name for you. I pray, like baby John, you would know Jesus from an early age. I pray that you would grow in faith as you grow in statue. I pray that you would grow to be a woman who above all things loves the Lord. I pray that you would know how much your Mommy loves you.
You are a precious gift from the Lord and I thank God that in His wisdom, He gave us you.
1 comment:
What a great way to get a name! Happy Birthday!
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